
Claim My Property

Claiming Your Property:

If you know that the Chandler Police Department is in possession of your property, contact the Property and Evidence Unit by calling 480-782-4065.  Have your report number available for quick service.

If you are not sure we have your lost or stolen item, we might. Sometimes we have items without an identified owner, or we know the owner’s name but do not have contact information.  Found items and recovered-stolen property often fall into this category.  If this describes you and your property, please check the list below or give us a call.  (Keep in mind that the list only contains items with an estimated value of more than $150.00.)  If you find an item on the list that you believe is yours, call Property and Evidence at 480-782-4065.  Please have the item number from the list available to give to the Property Technician.

You may be required to provide proof of ownership, or information that indicates probability of ownership, to claim the property.

Property is only available to be claimed for a limited time.  Items not picked up within 30 days of their initial availability will be given to the finder, auctioned, or destroyed in accordance with the law.

Don’t wait to claim your property!

We are working on our next list. Please check back soon, or call Property and Evidence to inquire about your missing item.

Click HERE for a map to the Chandler Police Property Building.

Item Description Item Number
handgun and magazines CH161997-008, 009, 024
handgun and magazine  CH183039-007, 008
Honda car, possible owner Celina Barajas CH183906-001
handgun (revolver) CH176362-001
handgun and magazine CH191570-001,002
Cash under $500 CH202392-001
handgun and magazine CH198427-004, 005, 006
handgun and magazine CH198768-001, 003
handgun and magazine CH216767-001, 002, 003
handgun and magazine CH219361-001, 002
handgun and magazine CH219363-001, 219364-1
handgun, magazine, and case CH219945-001, 002, 003
handgun and magazine CH211674-001, 002, 004
handgun, magazine, holster CH212059-002, 003, 004,005
handgun CH212211-001
female ring CH24-74940-001
black Chevrolet SUV CH213959-005
handgun with optic, magazine CH214042-001, 002, 003
BMW coupe CH214163-001
handgun and magazine  CH215139-001, 002, 003
handgun CH216431-001