
File A Complaint

Victim Services Survey

We would like to hear about your experiences with the Victim Services Unit.  Please take a few moments to complete this survey to enhance our services to crime victims in the community.

Employee Complaint/Survey

The mission of the Chandler Police Department is to work in partnership with all citizens to preserve life, maintain human rights, protect property and promote individual responsibility and community commitment. Our officers are sworn to protect the rights of all citizens regardless of race, age, sex, nationality, religion or political preference. We take this duty to our citizens seriously, and for that reason, we have adopted internal safeguards to discourage abuses of authority by police employees. Complaints regarding such abuses are vigorously investigated.

If you feel that an employee of this department has acted in an abusive or unprofessional manner toward you or others, you are encouraged to report that employee to a police supervisor. The information listed below is provided to explain our complaint process to you. Our goal is to provide you with quality police service in a spirit of community cooperation. You help all of us when you report incidents that you consider to be improper police conduct.

Please fill out what fields you feel comfortable with. You are not required to fill out all the fields to submit a complaint or concern.


1. Complaint Form

If you have a quality of life issue, such as barking dogs, loud music, or other neighborhood issues, please call dispatch at 480-782-4130 to make your report. Please do not fill out a complaint form unless it is in reference to a department employee.

2. Traffic Complaint Form

If you have an issue, such as active street racing, illegally parked vehicles, or other active traffic events, please call dispatch at 480-782-4130 to make your report. Issues entered in Traffic Complaint Form can take up to 7 days to respond.

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Our Policy

It is the policy of the Chandler Police Department to investigate all complaints against the department or its employees. This ensures the integrity of the department while protecting the rights and interests of both citizens and department employees.

Who May Complain?

Any person, regardless of age, sex or nationality, who witnesses or has direct knowledge of police misconduct, may file a complaint with Chandler Police Department.

When Should You Make a Complaint?

You should contact the department whenever you witness behavior by any department employee, which is a violation of city, state, or federal law, involves the excessive use of force or involves discourteous or abusive treatment.

How Do You File a Complaint?

Generally, complaints are filed through the supervisor of the employee involved. If the immediate supervisor is unavailable, another supervisor may take the complaint. Please call 480-782-4000 if you wish to talk to a supervisor. Complaints may also be filed on this page of our web site.

Who Investigates the Complaint?

Department supervisors are charged with maintaining discipline and overseeing the conduct of employees assigned to them. In some cases, the supervisor of the employee conducts an investigation and reports the incident through the chain of command for disposition. The Professional Standards Section will conduct serious administrative investigations. The Criminal Investigations Bureau will investigate complaints involving alleged criminal activity.

What Will You Be Told?

After a thorough investigation of the complaint, the employee’s supervisor or the office of professional standards will promptly contact you in writing. You will be advised of the supervisor’s findings and whether disciplinary action will be taken.

What Are Your Options If You Disagree With The Findings?

Pursuant to Chandler City Ordinance 3135, the findings of the Police Department’s investigation of unsustained, unfounded, or exonerated citizen complaints, may be reviewed by the Citizens’ Panel for Review of Police Complaints and Use of Force when that citizen requests a review of the Police Department’s findings. A request for review must be made within thirty (30) days from the date the citizen is notified of the findings of the Police Department investigation.

Our Commitment to You

Employees of the Chandler Police Department shall at all times strive to be courteous and professional in all dealings with the citizens we serve. It is the hope of Chandler Police Department that all of your contacts with our officers are positive. If not, we will endeavor to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction in a prompt and objective way.

Shared Responsibility

The Chandler Police Department views all citizen complaints against its employees very seriously and actively pursues investigation into misconduct. For this reason, you must ensure that your complaint is based on fact and that you have provided us with all of these facts to the best of your ability. If you intentionally make a false report to this department, it could result in criminal and/or civil legal proceedings being filed against you.