
Mental Health Resources

The Chandler Police Department has many resources for your use below. 

If you or someone you know is having a Mental Health Crisis call 911.

If you need a Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) trained officer to respond to your business or residence, and it is not an emergency contact our non-emergency dispatch/communications center at (480) 782-4130 and ask for a CIT trained officer to respond.

  • MentalHealth.gov provides one-stop access to U.S. government mental health and mental health problems information. MentalHealth.gov aims to educate and guide:
    • The general public
    • Health and emergency preparedness professionals
    • Policy makers
    • Government and business leaders
    • School systems
    • Local communities

U.S. Veterans and Family Members:

  • U.S. Veterans Mental Health Resources:  The U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs has significantly added more resources that you will find on their website now to address those in need including family members and even friends.