
Volunteer In Policing

The mission of Chandler Police Department’s Volunteers in Police Services (VIP’s) program is to be a resource, provide support, and foster positive interactions for all citizens of Chandler and CPD Personnel. Our VIPs enhance the delivery of police services to the community at large, as representatives of the Chandler Police Department. Our Volunteers and Motorist Assist come from all walks of life.  Many are retirees, Stay-at-home parents, and working professionals.

Volunteer positions include the following:

  • Chaplain
  • Dispatch Aide
  • DUI task force
  • General clerical assistant
  • Fleet Assist
  • Property & Evidence Assist
  • Telephone warrant compliance
  • VCU Assist
  • Victim’s services

* Investigations – Volunteers, with proper work experience and skills, may be assigned to assist special investigations sections

* Forensics – Volunteers meeting the required minimum education and experience may be assigned to assist the Forensics Unit. Additional verification of experience will be confirmed by the Forensics Section prior to placement.

We also have a Motorist Assist Team with specific required tasks and training.  They work closely with patrol officers, supervisors, and citizens throughout the City of Chandler, and drive a fully equipped “Volunteer” vehicle.  They operate in a non-enforcement capacity and will often perform the following tasks:

  • Respond to stranded motorists
  • Assist officers at collision scenes
  • Respond to parking violations
  • Respond to abandoned vehicle calls
  • Assist with vehicle lockouts
  • Perform Frequent Patrols of neighborhoods
  • Assist with traffic control at special events

Motorist Assists will not be armed or respond to enforcement calls.

How do I become a VOLUNTEER?

To become a Volunteer or Motorist Assist, a formal recruitment process is required and will be available twice a year. Due to the sensitive information our volunteers may have access to, they will be required to submit to the application process as follows:

  • Complete application
  • Oral board interview
  • Fingerprints
  • Background check
  • Criminal history check

Required training will be provided and will vary based on the position assigned.  Excellent communication will be needed to ensure a smooth working relationship between the VIP, police personnel, and the Volunteer Coordinator.

Volunteers are asked to donate 16 hours a month and must be 18 years old.  If you have a certain skill set not applicable to the available positions, please continue to submit your information.  We will search to see if there is a unit within the department looking for your unique skills.

Click Here for Volunteer Application

For more information, please contact:

Lisa Moran

Volunteer Coordinator

lisa.moran@chandleraz.gov or (480) 782-4909